

With Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app you can listen to live streams of Sri Lankan radio in one convenient place. There no screen refreshes, no page reloads and minimal delay between station changes. It is web application meaning that Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app can be accessed on any device with an internet web browser (mobile or desktop/laptop). Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app is provided FREE for your personal use.

Version: 1.0

Copyright (c) All rights reserved.

Latest News

  • Oct 2016 - Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app - Version 1.0 (full) released

System Requirements

  • Internet browser with HTML5 audio (and mp3 audio coding) support.
    • Browsers with support include: Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5+(partial support) 22+ (full support), Safari 4+, Opera 15+, iOS Safari 4.1+, Android Browser 2.3+, Chrome for Android 51+, IE Mobile 10+, UC Browser for Android 9.9+, Samsung Internet 4+.
  • Internet connection speed:
    • Average internet radio streams operate at about 128kbs. Consistent bandwidth of 150 kbps might be sufficient to listen to most radio streams. We recommend a minimum of 300 kbs to have a satisfactory streaming experience.


Listen to Sri Lankan Radio Stations

Scroll through the station list and click the desired station to listen. The apps is pre-set to play the online radio stream automatically. Please allow sufficient time for your browser to connect and load the audio content. Depending on your internet connection speed the process takes only a few seconds.


Re-commence playing the radio stream.
Stop playing the radio stream.
Play the previous station of the station list.
Play the next station of the station list.
Lists stations in multiple columns.
Lists stations in a single column.
Lists stations with additional information (i.e. genre, language).
Player volume (high). Move the slider to adjust the volume.
Mute activated. Click the speaker icon to turn mute on and off.

Station List

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Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo
Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo
Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo Sri Lanka radio station logo

Extended troubleshooting

Problem Possible Solution(s)
Error message - "Your internet browser does not support html5 audio streaming......" The apps required HTML5 audio is not supported by the internet browser. System Requirements section lists browsers with HTML5 audio support. To use the app you may need to update your browser to a newer version. Almost all latest (versions of) browsers have HTML5 audio support. Alternatively, you could access the app with another browser.
Error message - "Could not connect to the radio stream....." Could not connect to the station stream in sufficient time or a rendering error. Try refreshing the webpage and attempt to listen to the station again. Reloading the page also ensures that the latest version of the app is presented in your browser.
Radio stream temporarily unavailable Attempt to listen to station at a later time. Albeit a rare occurrence a radio stream could be unavailable for a few minutes, several hours or longer.
Stream could be moved to another location. Station info (including stream urls) is updated regularly, but not instantaneously. If you suspect that station information is outdated, please let us know. We will examine and update it as soon as possible.
Browser blocks http audio streams when app is accessed in secure https protocol. Change internet browser settings to allow mixed content. Or access the app via the insecure http protocol instead of https. Should able to change the protocol (or scheme) in the browsers address bar.
Stream format not compatible with the browser Specific audio stream formats maybe incompatible with your browser (e.g. Internet explorer currently doesn't seem to be compatible with certain radio streams). In such a case you could access the app using an alternative browser.
Sound controls in the app does not work Specific browsers do not allow for dynamic sound adjustment via JavaScript. Unfortunately in such a case the only option would be to adjust the volume using the controls of device itself.
Stream status shows 'now playing', but cannot hear any sound Fault in the radio stream If other radio streams produces sound a faulty stream is the likely cause. Such faults are expected to be temporary. Thus an attempt to listen to station at a later time could produce more favourable results.
Cause by an issue with computer/mobile device or the internet browser If you cannot hear audio content from other internet websites (e.g. YouTube) the absence of sound in the apps radio stream is due an issue with computer/mobile device or the browser. Otherwise, if the sound issue is specific to the Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app, refresh the webpage and attempt to listen a radio stream again. If unresolved please contact us we will attempt rectify the issue.


  • What is Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app ?

    Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app is effectively a web application that allows you to listen to live streams of 30+ Sri Lankan radio stations. List of stations include well established public broadcast services to privately operated stations, as well as recently established online only radio streams. Spanning various broadcast formats, news, talk, religious, classics, pop, youth and others, stations broadcasting in Sinhala, Tamils and English are all included. Navigation between stations is easy as there are no screen refreshes, no page reloads and minimal delay between station changes.

  • Is the service FREE ?

    The Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app is provided FREE for your personal use. Of course you will incur internet usage charges as with any website. We have the intention of introducing a paid service that will have various additional features to the service at its current form.

  • Do I have to download or install anything on my PC / mobile device ?

    All Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app requires is contained within the website. You can access the app with your internet browser. List of acceptable browsers are shown in the System Requirements section

  • Can I access Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app from more than one computer?

    You can access the service via any computer or mobile device (or another device such as a game console) provided that the devices browser has HTML5 audio support (see System Requirements).

  • What are the requirements to use the service?

    Internet browser with HTML5 audio (and mp3 audio coding) support enables you to access the service. List of popular browsers with such support are shown in System Requirements section. In General the app is expected to be fully functional with almost all browsers in use today. In terms of processing power (of the PC or mobile device) and internet connection speed, requirements are significantly less than those needed when viewing internet videos. We recommend a minimum of 300 kbs to have a satisfactory streaming experience. All in all modern devices and internet connections are more than adequate for the service.

  • Can I listen to Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app on my mobile ?

    The web app was developed with consideration to mobile devices. Given that most mobile internet browsers have HTML5 audio (and mp3 audio coding) support the apps is expected to be fully functional in most mobile devices. A list of acceptable browsers is shown in the System Requirements section.

  • I cannot hear any sound even when the stream status shows 'now playing'. What do I do ?

    If the radio stream does not function from the start of play you will receive an error message (e.g. "Could not connect to the Radio stream......"). If the radio stream is being received and is playing the status 'now playing' is shown. If other radio streams produce sound a faulty stream is the likely cause of the problem. Such faults are expected to be temporary. Thus an attempt to listen to station at a later time could produce more favourable results.

    If you cannot hear audio content from other internet websites (e.g. YouTube) the absence of sound in the apps radio stream is due an issue with computer/mobile device or the browser. Otherwise, if the sound issue is specific to the Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Station app, refresh the webpage and attempt to listen a radio stream again. If unresolved please contact us we will attempt rectify the issue.

  • How much data is consumed when listening to internet radio ?

    Average internet radio streams operate at about 128kbit/s. It equates to approximately 0.05 GB/hr or 55 MB/hr. Obviously an accurate estimate can be gained by monitoring the internet usage tallied by your internet service provider. Nevertheless, the value is not significant considering data available in an average internet plan.

  • Sound from the audio stream is patchy, stops and starts often. Why ?

    Disrupted audio streaming is generally due to a slow internet connection or your PCs (or other device) inability to process the audio stream at the required rate. It is also possible that the radio broadcast stream has some type of fault. Latter issue is generally temporary, often resolved after period of time.

  • How do I request a new radio station ?

    If you encountered a station which isn't available in Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app, please contact us with information such as the radio station name and/or the homepage (URL). And we will do our best to include the requested station in subsequent updates of our service.

  • Could I access Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app without having to enter the web address every time ?

    Three of the options available are detailed below.

    1. create a shortcut - The recommended option would be to create a shortcut of the apps webpage on your desktop. Chrome refers to the process as 'add to desktop' whilst in several others it is 'add to home screen'. It essentially means that an icon is created and placed on the desktop. When the icon is clicked your default internet browser open to the Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app. The icon in the present case is expected to be the image shown. app icon

      How the shortcut is created depends on the browser, usually an option in the settings menu. Following links provide details of how shortcuts are created in some popular browser: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, Android browsers, iOS Safari and Window mobile.

    2. Download the app launcher - Another option would be download the Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app launcher and save it on the desktop of your PC or mobile device. The launcher is a web file when clicked opens your default internet browser to the Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app. By default the icon of the launcher is that of web browser. The image is not distinguishable like the created shortcut in the first option. Click here to download the app launcher.

    3. Bookmark the url of the app - Alternatively you could bookmark the web address of Helaradio Sri Lanka Radio Stations app (i.e. Consult the relevant help sections or support for the browser to determine how to bookmark a webpage. Following links may also be of assistance: Chrome, Android browsers, Internet Explorer 11, iOS Safari and Opera.